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Chris Moore  

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Steering in the right direction with ESA technology

By Chris Moore, President, Satcom Direct.



High-speed connectivity has traditionally been the domain of large-cabin, long-range jets. Antennas needed to be mounted in a radome on the aircraft tail, power was needed to make reliable connections, and at least five or six boxes were required to distribute WiFi through the cabin.

Satellite constellations supporting business aviation were limited, too. Geostationary orbit (GEO) constellations provide the fastest and most reliable options, and L-band services provide limited functionality. Consequently, the associated budgets related to installation and pricing plans restricted the types of airframes that could access truly global broadband.

A privileged few experienced full connectivity benefits, but that is set to change thanks to the momentum building in the world of Electronically Steered Antennas (ESAs). In addition to our Plane Simple Ku-band and Ka-band tail mount variants, we are excited to be flight-testing our SD Plane Simple ESA in the summer of this year, with a market introduction anticipated in Q1 2025 when it will deliver super-fast connectivity to a new set of users.

There is much anticipation surrounding the introduction of the flat panel format based on optimizing phased array technology. Our ESA is fully duplex, which means it can send and receive data simultaneously; it is multichannel, which ensures optimal connectivity, and it is extremely low profile, so it maintains the aerodynamics of the airframe. Operators equipping their airframes with our ESA will benefit from the full advantages of the Eutelsat OneWeb network, which delivers genuine global connectivity, enabling our customers to connect from boarding to disembarking, no matter their location.

(L to R): Rob Vega SD, Jason Sperry OneWeb, Timor Blau Gilat, Chris Moore and Colin Quarles SD.

(L to R): Rob Vega SD, Jason Sperry OneWeb, Timor Blau Gilat, Chris Moore and Colin Quarles SD.

Phased array antennas have been used in airline and defence applications for years. They have required a lot of power and generated a lot of heat, traditionally making them unsuitable for smaller business aircraft. Our antenna is different, and thanks to Gilat, our hardware partner for the ESA, our advanced technology has resolved these issues by originating an antenna that can connect with the LEO networks without generating significant heat or requiring considerable power. This is a game-changer. Broadband satellite connectivity on much smaller platforms equipped with diminutive, lightweight ESAs, is now a reality.

There are cost benefits, too. Covered by a low-form factor radome, ESAs create less drag than a conventional installation, saving on fuel. Their low weight and lack of moving parts increase efficiency and potentially reduce maintenance costs. Our ESA features a modular architecture, and its compatibility with the airframes on which we’re validating performance - a Cessna Caravan and CJ1 - perfectly demonstrate its suitability for these size airframes and others like the Embraer Phenom 300.

The SD ESA being installed

The SD ESA being installed.

Latency plays an integral part in the user’s internet experience. Being much closer to Earth, LEOs provide more bandwidth than GEOs and offer reduced latency. If cloud computing or gaming are your thing, then LEO services likely provide the best experience. However, GEO constellations have the advantage of adding capacity to a specific region to mitigate congestion, so if it’s live TV or you need maximum bandwidth in congested airspace, then GEO service provides an excellent solution. For an optimized experience, it’s both.

We anticipate customers welcoming the benefits of optimizing dual, multi-orbit systems. With the introduction of the ESA option, operators can reduce redundancy by installing an SD tail-mount antenna and the ESA. For SD customers, this means consistent connectivity and uninterrupted coverage at high latitudes beyond the current reach of the GEOs. It means even more bandwidth delivery to the cabin at any time to support productivity, entertainment, and relaxation. It also means that if there is an unexpected coverage interruption, a new team member needs advice on the system, or an upgrade is required, just one call to our 24//7/365 customer support team provides the solution.

While we don’t have a crystal ball, we’re imagining the market's future needs. With all our SD Plane Simple terminals, we have designed and purpose-built them to preserve the integrity of the antenna installation, minimizing the need for invasive upgrades for business aircraft. Thanks to the modular design and simple installation of the Plane Simple terminals, most updates will happen in the SD Modem Unit rather than on the antenna, a simple software change will make all the difference in delivering the next emerging level of technology in a fast-paced market. This is a significant leap forward in terms of management cost and protects the owner’s investment. It further strengthens our ability to match technology with the experience customers want now and in the future.

With the introduction of our ESA, we are re-setting what connectivity means for a broader range of operators than ever before. Yes, we’re delivering connectivity, but we’re going beyond that. We’re providing reliability, consistency, and choice and, through our customized pricing plans, building a service defined for each customer. We’re underpinning this with training, education, and a powerful suite of cybersecurity solutions.

In an era where connectivity on the move is an expectation, the demand for reliable, consistent global connectivity has grown, and operators of smaller airframes are demanding solutions. We have responded by providing technology that emulates terrestrial life in the air as we deliver services beyond all expectations.

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Satcom Direct


BlueSky Business Aviation News | 23rd May 2024 | Issue #749


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